Article in The Valley Press, Getting the Word Out

In the April 19th edition of The Valley Press (<---click to be brought right to it) there is an article about the (still not formalized) plan to build on Blue Fox. There are quotes from members of our group as well as quotes from the developer. It's good to see another media source getting the word out there. Judging by what I am seeing when I drive around town (signs and car magnets bearing our logo), Facebook likes, website traffic, and people stopping to ask us what's going on, word has really spread. We appreciate everyone's support and hope to be able to share news in the near future about other ways you can help. If you are interested in a car magnet, sticker, button or lawn sign just send an email to

The developer did not make the deadline to be on the next Planning and Zoning meeting agenda (May 8th) so we will be keeping our eyes out for the June 12th and 26th meetings.
